Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Summer of Love

We can all breath a sigh of relief. The long awaited summer in finally here. Thus signalling the end of another year. But lest we forget that soon is the beginning of another. Another year of a pointless system with a Nazi-esque like dictator who is in fact by all means, a stooge. But lets not talk about that! I'm sure allot of us celebrated in our own way the last days of the year, while certain idiots who pose as head supervisors believed we were actually working in class as "normal". Yeah right! and suddenly they expect us to see them in some sugarcoated school fantasy with all smiles. Missing and Idolizing them. BULLSHIT!!!. Any who, I might not post back for a while since I'm gonna be doing quite allot of travelling. And about the Penguin Vs. SABIS case, still going on, still no new info but I will try and keep you posted. Anyways, you all enjoy your summer and do something out of the ordinary, because I have a feeling that this one is going to be one worth remembering.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

March of the Penguin

Penguin Publishing, a UK company responsible for bringing you great books such as Kite Runner, the controversial Satanic Verses, and owning rights for reprinting allot of the great classics such as Pride & Prejudice, Frankenstein and Death of a Salesman. Has decided to file a lawsuit against the SABIS system for all it's blood money. On the charges of plagiarism. That Choueifat has been violating copyrights by taking Penguins material and selling it off as SABIS' own. Choueifat is finally getting the bitch slap that 25,000 people have been praying for. I'm not exactly sure why a case like this hasn't been reported in the media, but apparently Choueifat is asking them to keep this confidential because it wants to protect it's already shattered reputation. Mr. G himself is also being cited as the lead figure in the case, because according to sources, it was his idea to publish them in the SABIS books. Could this be the end of the G Man's career? Has the shining beacon of hope for thousands finally come in the form of a metamorphic penguin?

Let me remind you that this is what I gather from sources in the school and in Penguin Publishing, I suggest you don't start telling everybody now, until I can actually get some leads to show to you all.

But I hope that the Fall of the House of Sabis will soon begin.