Saturday, March 15, 2008

Below Fifteen? Idiot!

Final Week (Bah!) is now over. In a move of sheer sadism. Choueifat thinks that after days of scaring the hell out of most of us, and after hours of shoving in whatever we can from the text books and tearing our hair out only to get screwed over in the actual exams. SABIS thinks we can revert to a normal school week again, with a weekly as the extra kick in the ribs. But that's not what is really ticking me off today. Recently Choueifat has decided to post more degrading bits of "Brobaganda" around the schools. It's an ironically white piece of paper that states in colourful grey letters in the background "78% SMART". And with full pomposity tries to convince those of us who are moronic enough to believe it, that if you get below an average of 15, than you are either A)Lazy, B) You don't know how to study or C)Stupid. Well it doesn't really say stupid, but it does a really bad job of sugarcoating what it really means. In a desperate attempt to try and pass themselves off as the true Messiahs, they offer after school study sessions, where students are forced against their own will to teach students who would rather not be there, to say the least. It's bad enough we already have the worst school hours for not just any school in the Middle East, but for any school in the World. Horrid as that may seem, what really ticks me off that that they continue to butcher people up inside by making them feel worse off than they already are. But then again it's one of the many lessons in life taught by The G-Man. It all makes sense to him. The crappier you feel, the more inclined you are to do better in life. But then again, I'm sure history has proven that the only way that Einstein, Homer, Pythagoras, Da Vinci, Ghandi, Christ and Mozart all got to where they were by getting good marks on their AMS's and scoring above fifteen on their term finals. I'm sure the butchering of self-esteem, pride and confidence all came as an added perk. Oh, lest I forget ,having their dreams shattered for a fee too. This all goes to ratify a firm opinion I have for SABIS. Their latest scheme reminds me of a quote

"Don't worry, we're only here to help you. The red hot poker's will do you good"

Monday, March 03, 2008

Choueifatis Anonymous

I would just love to remind you, prisoner's and ex-prisoners. That the purpose of this is to let your voice be heard and to help spread the truth. Because believe it or not, our site is actually helps, and why not not help them little better. Verbally abused by the snoopervisor? Exams have got you at your wrists because you've just found out you have no life? Nobody listens to you? until now. We assure you that at your request, all names provided will be anonymous. Stories can be sent to either J.A.C.'s email or mine.

Regards, KyoDes

So What's Your Story?

Hey Everyone

I don't know if you've all noticed, but I haven't written here for about a year. KyoDes had taken over and has since done a hell of a job with the site. It's been steadily growing every month.

Lately, we've been receiving a few more e-mails and comments, mainly about the horror stories they've been through as a Choueifati student or staff member. We think that you should hear these tales of torture and despair, so we've started a new segment of our blog called "So What's Your Story", where we select a story e-mailed to us and post it up. We may have to censor certain parts, but you should be able to get the gist of it. Speaking of which, friends, please try to make your writing objective so that we are taken seriously.

To submit a story, simply e-mail it to

We look forward to your e-mails. Get it off your chest!