Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A New End and a New Start

To all Choueifatis and Ex-Choueifatis. I would like to apologize for my increadibly long absence. To those of you who know I'm sure you'll understand. I won't be able to continue the website. Unfortunately the higher ups (The really higher ups) discovered my real identity and did not take to kindly to my writing. I only felt it necessary that I did not end this so abruptly. So I shall write this in a certain frame of detail.
After my identity was discovered. I went through the whole nine yards and SABIS spared nothing when it came to dragging me. They said that if I apologised in front of the school and on the site than I would be allowed to return for the next academic year. After continuous pressure put by the school on my parents. I apologised in front of the entire classroom for a start. Those of you who were in the room at the time know how I truely felt.
I understand that SABIS felt threatened. But why would you refuse to deal with it? and why did you have to go and sink so low as to scare the hell out of both my parents. I will be frank and say thanks allot for putting me through that shit. You people had me put on anti-depressants for a while because of it. Are you satisfied?
Apart from that, I really bare no serious grudge. Yes I got kicked out but I don't really see this as the end of my world. I'm going to another school in another country. And I'm going to be really happy because there will be no more annoyances there that I usually faced from SABIS on a daily basis. Pompous supervisors, AMS's, dreadful acting by those above. All gone. And I am so happy.
There is one thing I will miss in Choueifat. And that's the students. Regardless of how smart or stupid there was a certain sense of unity that was shared by a common dislike of the same things. I will also miss the increadible conversations I had with them during class and increadibly interesting things we came up with to pass time, such as the human battering ram.
I know some of you will be sad to see the site will have to stop being updated. But listen when I say that if you have any grievances to share. You know what to do. I wish you all the best in life, don't you dare feel bad for me because nothing bad really happned.
Love, KyoDes
P.S. To a Maastrichan and a Donbassan. I miss you both badly. I'm still south and I'd love to hear from you.