i think its all fine and dandy that u guys may agree with what has been written about choueifat on Wikipedia,however,have u considered the consequences of the idiot tht decided to tarnish the name of our school on a famous website tht uni's would probably visit ?their bound to find the wikipedia page while looking through the very first few links of google...and it wont do the graduatin students any good ,will it now? mmm... :) i thought so.
I find it ridiculous that this moron thinks that this half arsed comment of his will suddenly make me change my ways. And how it calls me the idiot and how it refers to "our" school. Now you listen to me you imbecile, you and your SABIS cronies don't have the common sense that God almighty gave a goose. At least I've chosen to say something about your ridiculous system of education, which commits nothing short of psychological murder. Just because I have the brains left to know how to commit myself to critical and constructive thinking and tell the basic difference between right and wrong, doesn't make me an idiot. In fact I think universities want that in a prospective student, someone who breaks down and analyses certain facets of what he or she is into. Save yourself you twat. Notice how IT says "I thought so" with a stupid little sarcastic smile.As In he thinks that I suddenly had an epiphany from his comment and that I will now suddenly decide to obey SABIS law just so I can get into university. If I find out that its some stooge I know then I suggest you get on your knees and start praying for some sort of divine intervention. phew! ok I'm calm now. Thankfully, someone else had this to say in response.
Do you really think that it matter a University Admin department what is posted on Wikipedia? I can tell you as University recruiter I always look up the student's name on myspace and similar web pages. I understand that international students who attend private International schools often have little say in where they attend. What I do look for is the student’s academic potential, adaptability and critical thinking skills. I also am interested in the student’s emotional intelligence level. If Chouifat does not crush that out of a student, than I am pretty sure the individual will likely be able to adapt and handle whatever comes their way. I get suspicious of students who have prefect records. It represents a student who has never challenged authority. A student who has NEVER taken a risk to stand up for what they believe. It is part of normal adolescent behavior to challenge those they view in a position of power. It is normal adolescent behavior to assert independent thoughts and desire. If these things do not occur, if there is no history, then how do I know that the student is capable of independent thought and drive at the university level? Most of what I have seen discussed here, from Mr Psychoman’s ramblings to the policies and procedure will not benefit a student at the university setting or in professional workforce.
oh btw, Eid Mubarak everyone ^_^
this is a great read - i can empathise only to well after leaving shitty fat in the summer - i wish germanous would find himself in the middle of a cannibal war in deppest darkest africa!!
well I absolutely agree. I used to work for them. I met that psycho Mr G many times in many meetings. The man is "EVIL". The organization is in trouble. They are desperate to get as many new contracts as they can. If they didnt have "wasta" here in the UAE, they would be nothing. when they UAE changed the labour laws and allows teachers to leave without having to wait, then they will be in even more trouble. This organization is crooked. They are frauds. Any student who has the "brains" TO CHALLENEGE their pathetic system, is worthy of a place at university. I also feel so sorry for the poor Irish graduates who are starry eyed and come to work for them, only to find out the real truth. But, as they are so arrogant and evil, they do not care. I am sure that mr G reads this forum. His head is so far up his own arse, that he thinks everyone else is just scum compared to him. I despise the man and that other idiot Mr Pin head and Mr B. i am a great believer in Karma and what goes around comes around. Why doesnt someone write to the Ministry about them. The more people complain the more likely something might change. Well, we can all dream I suppose. I would love to see Mr Germ cleaning the streets, as thats what he's worth. Piece of shit that he is.!
just read the parent reviews. They rated SABIS 4/10 The same problems over and over again with these schools. For God's sake what is the matter with moronic people to send their kids to such a loser of a school system.
Please someone close this school down!
Please someone close this school down!
fucking kill that cunt Germanos I hate his fucking guts
its not us that give the schl a bad rep its the schl they treat us like dirt n we cant say shit !
its ammzing what they do to us the way we sufer i have been getting in troble for the most random of things and the suvervisers liaed to my parents and changed the storey made me in troble for walking around the school told me i am vandelizing for tapping the glass the more i try to explain my self the more trouble i get in. whats up their nosess? the new supervisers treat us like immature infantes sory wronge word they smile an infants i guess we are treated as a chouifati. we pay enough money to make every one happy but no only thebig guys keep the money and act like they are broke when they have to pay for the school. the only reason we have a big foot ball court with grass is to show the world we "care" about sports getting new teachers and makking them belive the sabis way we have a voice but we are brainwashed not to use it only the lucky ones survive
I really don't get the point of this post... It just seems a bit immature to try to harshly reply to a simple comment.
You put something on Wikpedia about this? You brilliant brilliant brilliant person.
I left that school [the abu dhabi campus] a long time ago. I still try to block out the memories. You know how the teachers used to just pick on one student. Yep, I was that one student, When I was a kid, the teachers used to steal my chocolates and sweets than my mum used to give me, then hold competitions and give all my goodies to the winner of the games. and they'd make sure i wasn't the winner.
they'd also put me in 'special' classes for no bloody reason - i had college level english by the time i was in fourth grade, but they put me in this class to 'better her language skills' - and put me behind my entire class as a result.
choueifat seemed to recruit the nastiest teachers ever, and the administration was a joke. i had to leave the school because it seemed like i was a complete idiot - after leaving i realied my capabilities lay in the arts- not choueifats sorry vile cup of tea.
i love htis site. i shall continue to read it.
every ex-student should write down wherever they can about the atrocities committed by this institution.
I want to hug that university recruiter!!!
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