Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Not In A Million Years!

Active discipline: Pupils must also be trained to stop antisocial behavior in other pupils. One student must have the courage to stop another who may be cheating in an exam, littering, using bad language and vandalizing, and to report offenders who refuse to listen. It is important for us to help students to differentiate between 'tale-telling' and social responsibility. A socially responsible person fights corruption at the risk of retaliation and retribution by the offenders, and he should be supported and encouraged - SABIS
Let me tell you this now since its obviously going to come as a huge shock. Students do not do that! they don't! please do not overrate the actual meaning of ratting someone out. There is no hero factor towards reporting someone to the admin for cheating or swearing, etc. Do not think that those who do tattle tale deserve to have halo's around their head or that they will grow up to be model citizens, most likely lost in obscurity, growing old and dying. We don't litter now because it most cases we didn't anyways or because Al Gore showed us why not to. We know when to swear and when not to swear, we are NOT that impressionable. We will not report cheating because in your case, putting someone in trouble for cheating is blatant hypocrisy. And I loath hypocrisy. And we as students believe that you and your beloved exams are full of shit. Writing on tables or bathroom walls is not vandalism, it is High School. Most of us don't resort to vandalism anyways because were to sick and disgusted to even touch the cheap stucco you build thses schools on even their prison cell like classrooms. And to the students, I understand if you might have problems with some of the cases mentioned above, but if you see someone littering or cheating and don't like it do you really have to go see Big Dipper? No matter what the school wants you to believe, that is gutless. Deal with it yourself and if that doesnt work. Then you know what to do. We do not like you, SABIS. Your rules and blatant disregard for humanity, free thought and free will have left us with no choice but to tell you that the rules don't matter to us anymore. Because, It is us against you.


Anonymous said...

I absoluely agree! But its not just students who report students. Its teachers who report other teachers! Their rules are utter nonsense. Why doesnt someone do something to stop these ruthless people. SABIS scum!

Anonymous said...

Look, just bring a simple cost-benefit analysis to bear on the situation: more student telltale-creeps, less need for salaried employees. Money rules the roost and the bottom-line is the top priority (shadow teachers, ITL etc... these people's wet dream is to have students in classrooms with a computer instead of a (human) teacher).

P.S. Always enjoy the stuff you do on the G-man: as a human being he obviously lacks significance, but he is the archetypal 'Sabis Man' and as such the analysis you bring to bear is valuable. Keep up the good work! We may be all just stuck in a moment, but remember this time will pass!

Anonymous said...

And my friend is why the school has such a huge turn overrate among teachers. Honestly, only a few back stabbing, butt kissing teacher last for long in this system which is fine because it is better to have them there then spreading their dysfunction to other educational settings. Choueifat believes basically trained monkeys could teach. They have no trust or respect for the teachers they hire. As I have read through many other comments posted in other threads I am too curious as to why parents continue to send, their most valued resource, their children there.
The system will not change until the parent's demand that it changes

Anonymous said...

To my liberators, to the ones who dare say what others fear to say aloud but feel in silent pain. Does Mr. B or anyone on the board read your blog? Do parents know how you feel? The only way to force change in dysfunction business is for the consumer (i.e your parents) to demand change or refuse to utilize the business services (i.e. education)

Anonymous said...

Biggest snitch of all teachers is Miss Mona. The twat. She's a fool.

Brilliant stuff, by the way- as is everything else...

Anonymous said...

I say we should all rebel!!!

Anonymous said...

i worked in choueifat for a year - the kids were great - but i hated working for the lebanese mafia, malak, khalaf, supervisors - its horrible to say but there is a reason why lebanon is in strife when people like the above mentioned get into positions of power