"Free period? there is no such thing as a free period, it is a study period"- Idiot.
I'm in L, that gives us about 13 free periods in a week. And you expect us to spend those 780 minutes a week, stuck in class and studying? seriously, studying?. Before the implications of such an asinine decision, we we're allowed to roam free. Yes, with no teachers and no lessons, we would do whatever we wanted within the school. If we wanted to study, some of us would find a nice little quiet corner. If we wanted to play a few game, we could use those basketball hoops and football goals. Which frankly have no other use except for gathering dust right now. And if we wanted a little chat, we could discuss topics as diverse as Gossip Girls and hear synopsis on a recent pornography. But alas, all that has been stripped a way now in favour of a more totalitarian style of free periods. The new style was recently tried, and when it came to studying, we got nothing done. And the supervisor would come in and out and explain to us with such passion on how us students have failed in life, hypocrite. You stuck 40 students in a prison cell like setting and expected them to study when they were supposed to be having a FREE PERIOD. get it? FREE PERIOD! Our lunches and breaks have been hacked down to not even more of an hour so we found solace in the free periods and you took that away from us so we can "study". The seniors would like to have their anger defined and stated to you in two words. FUCK YOU!
god help you ! I think they are doing this because they are fucking shitting themseleves that students might fail!. The ministry is going to introduce new rules soon. Anyone working for them can change jobs without waiting the year long period. If you are a teacher in their crappy system ...get out quick!
i agree to OUR RIGHTS FREEDOM you could just skip and that is what me and most other students do.
i hear today that in the Military school in Al Ain over one hundred students have left because they didnt like the SABIS system!!! Well done! they had the sense to leave....are the days of choueifat slipping away? The only way for change to happen is from the grassroots. I applaud those students who had the guts to get out. G E R M A N O S beware...is your time coming to an end? Wait and see! More and more problems each day plague c h o u e i f a t. I urge the person in charge of this site to start a petition. I will sign my name ( a former teacher ) and I personally will send it to the Ministry of Education. Let US act now! Tell me what you think
Hey there annon, not going to say who I am obviously but believe me, from a very informed point of view, i agree with just about everything you say..... especially the socialisation aspect of the system, if a child could go through a SABIS school then survive in a western University there a bigger person than I.
When will the Ministry of Education in the UAE change this rule? My god, the teachers are going to be jumping ship faster than drowning rats.
lol this sounds like typical sabis policy to me, they love to make students do everything, and this is just an example of how they want students to learn but they don't want to hire a teacher to actually teach them (that would cost money) they just have them sit in a classroom 780 minutes a week and stare at the books. i mean seriously, at the school i went to (AlAin) the students cleaned, told on each other, "shadow" taught, monitored outside and inside, and they even made the poor younger kids stand guard beside the doors to the admin area (by stand guard i mean literally they made 2nd graders stand at the door DURING THEIR BREAK TIME and not let any students into the school's administration area. i mean all they need to do now is have the students cook too and they can fire all the staff and teachers and save money
Well Mr Bistany's idea was to train students in Africa and then send them into remote villages and teach. Someone pointed out to the fucking evil piece of scum, that this was child labour! He just sat unperturbed. If there is a hell this man is going there quick. His other loser is that fucking waste of space Victor Saad. Just look at his face, you know hes evil just by looking at him> I despise these people. They are the scum of the earth.
here here here
Well dont you know that these sickos are just plain old businessmen?Nothing more....and a businessman's main aim is minimizing costs.What is funny is how they teach us in business classes how lying about your service is against the law and these buffoons then have the nerve to go about and disguise there slave labor as educational and allocate useless points for it.Then they lie to universities about it and pose it as extracurricural activities.Extracurricular activities involve something fun and developmental not harrasing students who want to go back upstairs to get a book.
When they make students 'shadow' teach they save on substitute teachers.When they make students clean and rat out eachother they save on cleaners , electricity (problem addressed earlier) and as such.When they send us to advising lessons to brainwash they are securing future business as THEY THINK in thier twisted minds tht we will send our kids here.....
and whats worse they say it themselves that the students are the product (not the education , see) and the parents are the consumers so they treat us basically like nonliving objects who can wringed and wranged to the maximum extent.
Choueifat? Or Auschwitz rather...
Good god, that concentration camp would need an alliance of many nations to trample.
Grey glum building... walls with barbed wires ... an old worn UAE flag hanging by the administration -the only colourful thing that stands out.
Oh, and those treees... I was allergic to those disgusting trees
Trust me, been there ... done that!
Unfortunately - I, too, have been victimised by that abhorred CC which lies in Mushrif Abu Dhabi Po box 7212, ...
Mr. G ... what is he? Does he even have a license to preach?
I hated the man, those careers/advising classes reeked with Pessimism... they only had the potential of making 99.9% of the audience feel helpless and stupid, and 0.1% feel privileged!
To him, intelligence = grades...
He supported his arguments with weaaaak examples, and should you attempt an interjection, you'd only be flashed by his "allies'" bulging eyes (Nashif and co.) or simply be asked to sign your name on the detention sheet. Imagine, the degradation, asking YOU to write your own name on detention.
Once, I attempted to write the name of one of his "pets" and most trusted spooks instead, and to my misfortune, the plague had already got to our "class prefect" who took it upon herself as a "conscientious student" to blab about it to Frau "Dryness", and boom my weekend was ruined!
Plainly, that man, that thing, is a hypocrite. No question.
oh, and here's a picture of the culprit dancing around the fire with his thugs!
dancing? i thought that was one of their rituals for sacrificing students to the gods of greed and profit? oh well to them sacrificing students is just as normal and fun as dancing anyway
yeuch! that picture disgusts me. He has forcibly sucked out so much happiness out of his life. He has resorted his own dancing to jumping up and down like a baboon. Self righteous son of a bitch should have had a long trip forward at the time.
Be careful when you look upon the eyes of Germanos. Like Medusa he has the power to turn you to stone. The vile human being that he is. Why cant he just die and do the world a big favour. I hate this man with a passion.
I love the way the supervisors seem to think that they are the epitome of success. I'm not saying that all the teachers in Choueifat are not qualified but at least give the students someone who speaks proper English!!!
Mr.G during careers decides to talk about evolution and the killing of elephants. He's telling a class of how someone he knew died because of cancer and he has this huge grin on his face!! Cold hearted bastard...
Hey Kyodes you should write about how the school refuses to recycle because the company's name would be on the bins. SHOCK HORROR!
Because the students really care...
The school is run by a bunch of stupid Lebanese tyrants! I cannot wait until I graduate ( if indeed I last that long!)
Do you know something I just really hate going to Choueifat schools. I hate GERManos I hate him so much. He makes me want 2 vomit my guts out. When I saw him and his Lebanese false smile I feel sick. Choueifat is fucking crap. What is the point in all of this? WASTA WASTA thats what they have. For God sakes, Sheikh Mohammed close them DOWN!
i am an ex-choueifatass - i got out life is great - yella ya mushtahadeen - get out get out get out all of you while you can....never look back not even in anger life is bigger than bazooka and chewfattiness
i'd like to know your opinions on these new homework assignment things. i'm no longer in cfat but my best friends are and they seemed significantly underwhelmed...
it's a shame, cos most of the kids there are good kids. at least the ones i knew. and reading all these teachers' comments, i can't help but wonder if any of them taught me, haha..
how are all the yr 12's in AD this year? Used to teach ye last year and ye drove me to alcohol big style! Used to down a bottle of JD after school just to numb the pain :L
I am an x-teacher and I can tell you that there is not ONE teacher who looks back on this evil crap with a smile. If students only realised how pressurised teachers are they would see teachers more as allies than as colluders with the system.
Yeah, if MoE changes the rules, teachers will jump ship no doubt!!!
What shit is this anyway about some ex-security officers being "supervisors" of teachers who have 20-30 years' experience? Who thought up this crap?
Sabis is stuck in laalaa land, 1245, somewhere in darkest Lebanon. Ain't no light reaching these folk!
Choueifat is ultimate crap. I cant wait till i graduate from that shithole, and these assholes dont even want to help us with anything fucking hell FUCK THEEEEEEEEEEEEEM CHEATTTING FuCKING BASTARDS :@
This school is so disgustingly hypocritical that it puts a bad tast in my mouth when I say its name.
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